"There is no such thing as coincidence there is only the inevitable..."

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Experience In Blogging

I have no experience in blogging. Im still trying to find out on how to add your own jukebox and chatbox, its a mystery.

The Picture Of My Feelings

I felt like that cat over there when i got my confirmation letter. But got unhappy as my friend only got onto the waiting list. I hope i can make some friends and continue being like the cat at the end of 2010.

Picture source: http://www.bing.com/

How Im Going To Travel There

This is the route google map googled for me from my house to SST.
Takes 13 minutes by car, 41 minutes by public transport, 1hr and 51 min WALKING.
The car is my most wanted option but it is not possible. 'Cuz if my personal driver (my dad) were to over sleep (most likely) im so screwed.
Walking option's OUT.
That leaves public transport. Oh great. Im going to squeeze myself to school.

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